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ИТОГО: в базе данных публикаций найдено 0 записей за 2018 год
П№ | Дата загрузки | Указатель оплаты (если оплачена публикация, то ДА, иначе NULL) | Тип публикаци | Кафедра | Название | Автор(ы) | Издание | ISBN монографии, или учебника, или сборника публикации статьи: ISSN для периодического издания | Тип носителя объекта: бумага или электронный | DOI для электронного носителя | Год | Загрузить |
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Уровень публикации (включены с 2015 года):
1. The journal (digest) is titled “Italian Science Review". ISSN: 2308-832X. Digest indexed in Google Scholar. The purpose of the journal is to promote and enable international communication between scientists living in different countries of the world.
2. Environment and Natural Resources Research (ENRR) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Environment and Natural Resources Research has been indexed by AGRICOLA which is one of four national libraries of the United States, housing one of the world's largest and most accessible agricultural information collections and serves as the nexus for a national network of state land-grant and U.S.
1. The journal (digest) is titled “Italian Science Review". ISSN: 2308-832X. Digest indexed in Google Scholar. The purpose of the journal is to promote and enable international communication between scientists living in different countries of the world.
2. Environment and Natural Resources Research (ENRR) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Environment and Natural Resources Research has been indexed by AGRICOLA which is one of four national libraries of the United States, housing one of the world's largest and most accessible agricultural information collections and serves as the nexus for a national network of state land-grant and U.S.